HUC-JIR's latest accreditation and assessment news and documentation
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Strategic Direction Sacred Respectful Community Accreditation Equity & InclusionHUC-JIR's latest accreditation and assessment news and documentation
The College-Institute is currently accredited through the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE). View the College-Institute’s latest Statement of Accreditation Status.
The Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) is one of the 6 accreditation bodies approved by the US Department of Education to oversee the accreditation of higher education institutions (colleges and universities). Accreditation takes place every 10 years. This is our second time doing our accreditation jointly for all campuses through MSCHE, rather than campus-by-campus. The Self-Study process began in the Fall of 2021 when the Steering Committee attended training about the process, and it will end in July 2024 when MSCHE will render a decision based on our self-study report and the evaluation team’s site visit, document review, and analysis.
Accreditation should be viewed not as a “test” but as an opportunity for continuous improvement and growth. It provides quality assurance for students, parents, donors, alumni, and the general public, and verifies compliance with federal regulatory requirements (Title IV, student records, transfer credit policies, credit hour definitions, public disclosures, identity verification, and contractual agreements).
Accreditation Liaison Officer: Rabbi Dr. Andrea Weiss, Provost
Chair: Dr. Sarah Bunin Benor, Director, Jewish Language Project; Professor of Contemporary Jewish Studies and Linguistics
Co-chair: John Hofmann, Institutional Assessment Specialist
Manager: Sutanu Majumdar, (former) Institutional Research Manager
Chair: Rabbi Richard Sarason – Director of the Pines School of Graduate Studies (CN – faculty/admin)
Chair: Dr. Leah Hochman – Director of the Louchheim School for Judaic Studies and Associate Professor of Jewish Thought (LA – faculty/admin)
Chair: Dr. Miriam Heller Stern – National Director of the HUC-JIR School of Education; Associate Professor (LA – admin/faculty)
Chair: Rabbi Andrew Goodman – (former) Director of Student Support (NY – admin)
Chair: Rabbi Dr. Lisa Grant – Eleanor Sinsheimer Distinguished Service Professor in Jewish Education, Rabbinical Program Director, New York, Coordinator of Seminary Special Projects (NY – admin/faculty)
Chair: Tal Rosen – (former) Major Gifts Officer (National – staff)– left HUC, replaced by John Hofmann, Institutional Assessment Specialist, August 2023
Our former MSCHE liaison, Dr. Idna Corbett, and current MSCHE liaison Dr. Anne G. Wahl conducted a virtual campus visit in May 2022 to meet with various constituencies and provide feedback on our Self-Study Design. Our Self-Study Design was successfully approved in June 2022.
In October and November 2022, we conducted surveys of students, staff, and faculty, and after that we continued working on interviews and document review for the Self-Study.
From January through July 2023, the Working Groups drafted their reports based on their research.
From July to October 2023, the Steering Committee compiled the Working Groups’ reports into one Self Study Report and edited it. Several administrators gave input.
In October 2023, the HUC community – students, staff, faculty, and governors – was invited to read the report and give input via email.
On October 30, 2023, the Evaluation Team Chair visited the New York campus.
In late November, we held community forums to collect feedback on the findings and recommendations.
On January 31, 2024, we submitted the self-study report to MSCHE.
February 26-27: An Evaluation Team member visited the Los Angeles campus.
March 17-20, 2024: The MSCHE accreditation Evaluation Team visited the New York campus and met with students, staff, faculty, and Board members in person and via Zoom.
Some members of HUC-JIR leadership and accreditation steering committee on March 20, following the New York site visit: Lisa Grant, Andrea Weiss, Sarah Benor, John Hofmann, Andrew Rehfeld, Jessica Silver, Andrew Goodman
June 27, 2024: The Commission reaffirmed HUC-JIR’s accreditation. We have been requested to submit a supplemental information report due on March 1, 2025. Our next evaluation visit is scheduled for 2031-2032.