Sample topics:
AJ Berkovitz, “Esther on the Cross: How the Rabbis Used Midrash to Combat Christianity”
Daniel Fisher-Livne, “Where is the Ark of the Covenant—and Why Do People Keep Looking?”
Miriam Heller Stern, “How to Teach Creative Thinking”
Leah Hochman, “Pow! Ka-Blam! Hai-Ja! Comics, Graphic Novels, and Jewish Superheroes for the 21st Century”
Jason Kalman, “Bigfoot, Elvis, and Aliens: The Dead Sea Scrolls in the Popular Imagination”
Evan Kent, “It’s More than Kumbaya: Music at Jewish Summer Camps and Jewish Identity”
Sharon Koren, “Jewish Mysticism and Kabbalah”
Michael Marmur, “Judaism and Human Rights”
Dalia Marx, “When and Why the Kaddish Became the Prayer of the Mourners”
Haim Rechnitzer, “New Trends in Israeli Music – From Universalism to Appropriation of Mythical Past”
Sivan Zakai, “How Children Think About the Israeli-Arab/Palestinian Conflict”
Wendy Zierler, “Movies and Midrash”