Articles and Essays
“Sustaining a Creative People: Learning the Habits of Creative Thinking,” The Peoplehood Papers, edited by Shlomi Ravid and Dean Bell, Volume 30, August 2021.
“Jewish Creative Sensibilities: Framing a New Aspiration for Jewish Education,” Journal of Jewish Education, 85:4, 429-446, DOI: 10.1080/15244113.2019.1686336
“Experiencing God in the Midst of Conflict,” in Because My Soul Longs for You: Integrating Theology into Our Lives, edited by Edwin C. Goldberg and Elaine S. Zecher (CCAR Press: 2021), pp. 89-98.
“The Past as Portal to the Future: theatre dybbuk’s Creative Exploration and Presentation of Jewish History,” with Tobin Belzer, in Portraits of Adult Jewish Learning: Making Meaning at Many Tables, edited by Diane Tickton Schuster (Wipf and Stock Publishers: 2022).
“Beyond Disruption: Learning, Leading and Healing in 2021,” eJewishphilanthropy, November 5, 2021.
“From Thriving to Striving: Jewish Education for a World of Uncertainty and Opportunity,” (2018) Where Jewish Education Helps Students Thrive: A Tribute to Dr. Jonathan Woocher, edited by David Bryfman and Beth Cousens (Lippman Kanfer Foundation for Living Torah) p. 35-40.
“Lessons from Pixar Studios: Staying Animated in Leadership,” HaYidion, Winter 2017
“When Creativity Nourishes the Mind, Soul and Heart,” HaYidion, Summer 2016
“Episode 6: How can Jewish education be more creative?” Opening Doors: the Jewish Education Podcast, Network for Research in Jewish Education, June 16, 2022.
“Adapting Exagogue,” the dybbukast, Season 2: Episode 8, June 10, 2022.
“I-Tell-You,” the dybbukast, Season 1: Episode 1, November 2020.
“Putting Creativity in the Heart of Jewish Schooling,” Prizmah Podcast Series, Research Encounter, April 2020.
“Reimagining Jewish Education,” Judaism Unbound Episode 186, September, 2019.