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Our Partners

From the inception of American Reform Judaism, founder, Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise advanced the vital partnership of institutions as indispensable in ensuring a flourishing, progressive, and enlightened American Judaism in sync with modern life.

Reform Movement Partners

Academic Partners

Our cooperative arrangements with leading academic institutions and seminaries in North America and Israel strengthen our academic and professional development programs and offer dual degree opportunities.

American Jewish University and its Ziegler Rabbinical School:

  • Reciprocal course registration
  • Reciprocal library privileges

  • Tel Dan Excavation Consortium: Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures at UCLA, Grand Rapids Theological Seminary/Cornerstone University, and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary of Louisville
  • Paleoecology-paleoclimate project in the Hula Valley with the French research center, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)

Hebrew University and its Melton Centre for Jewish Education, Jerusalem:

  • Ordination in HUC-JIR’s Israel Rabbinical Program includes an MA awarded by Hebrew University or another Israeli institution.
  • HUC-JIR’s joint RIKMA program in Pluralistic Jewish Education with Hebrew University includes the MA degree  awarded by Hebrew University’s Melton Centre for Jewish Education
  • Reciprocal course registration.
  • Reciprocal library privileges.

One HUC-JIR student teaches two undergraduate courses per year at MTSO and is monitored by a MTSO faculty member.

New York University and its Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development, and Skirball Department of Hebrew and Judaic Studies, New York (NYU):

  • Reciprocal course registration.
  • Reciprocal library privileges.

  • HUC-JIR Pines School of Graduate Studies and UC’s Department of History offer a joint Ph.D. program in Modern Jewish History and Culture.
  • Students in HUC’s Jewish and Christian Studies in the Greco-Roman Period Program take courses in the Classics Department through the Consortium.  Faculty members in the Classics Department sometimes serve as comprehensive examiners and as dissertation second readers.
  • HUC-JIR and UC offer reciprocal library privileges.

One HUC-JIR student teaches two undergraduate courses per year in the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Dayton and is monitored by a University of Dayton faculty member.

  • The Zelikow School of Jewish Nonprofit Management offers four dual Master’s degree options with USC including Master in Business Administration, Public Administration, Social Work, and Communication Management
  • USC partners with the College-Institute’s Louchheim School for Judaic Studies, which serves as USC’s undergraduate program in Judaic Studies.
  • USC and HUC-JIR offer reciprocal library privileges.

In a unique collaboration between a Jewish seminary and Jesuit university,

  • In a cooperative agreement, two HUC-JIR Ph.D. students teach two undergraduate courses per year at XU and are mentored by an XU faculty member, participating as well in teacher training workshops.

  • University of Nanjing (houses former President Dr. Alfred Gottschalk’s Jewish studies library) and Chinese National Institute of Jewish Studies

Cincinnati Community Partners

The Cincinnati campus is committed to fostering strong links to the Cincinnati community through a broad array of community engagement initiatives made possible by the Jewish Foundation of Cincinnati.