Arthur Mones: Faces/Artists

June Wayne: The Dorothy Series

On View

from October 8 through December 31

June Wayne, a celebrated American artist and founder of the Tamarind Lithography Workshop, will exhibit The Dorothy Series from October 8 through December 31. The suite of twenty lithographs presents the story of the artist’s mother, an immigrant from Russia, and her life as a traveling saleswoman in the corset business. Curator Judy Lucas explains, “These works reflect the struggles of an immigrant and single mother, working to succeed as an American woman.”

The exhibition features a video narrated by the artist, who had an immense impact on American printmaking through her promotion of collaborations between artists and master printmakers. Until June Wayne founded Tamarind, there were no centers in America where one coul receive a comprehensive education in printmaking. Tamarind brought worldwide attention to American printmaking. This exhibition is presented as part of a Cincinnati-wide consortium of museums celebrating 200 years of lithography.

Call (513) 221-1875, ext. 358 for hours, location, and details.

Arthur Mones: Faces/Artists

On View

October 14 – February 12: The Joseph Gallery at the New York School

Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion will be exhibiting over sixty photographs of Jewish artists, composers, critics and playwrights in a retrospective of the portraiture of Arthur Mones. Mones spent decades capturing the singular intensity of individual artists among their notable work. Leonard Bernstein, Roy Lichtenstein, and Stephen Sondheim are among the many luminaries on view at the College-Institute from October 14 to February 12 at 1 W. 4th Street, New York City.

The photographs, many of which have become the best-recognized public “face” of an artist, are accompanied by biographical details about the artists and their work. Mones states that “a successful portrait captures many aspects of the subject’s personality, places the subject within the world he has created, and must have a universality to raise it above being a good likeness into the realm of acceptance as a good photograph.”

Arthur Mones, a graduate of the New York Institute of Photography in 1939, served as a U.S. Army Air Force photographer from 1941 through 1945. His travels in Sicily in 1978 resulted in his project, “Ruins,” and throughout Spain in the following year for his project, “Doorways.” Mr. Mones’s photographs are included in the permanent collections of the Brooklyn Museum, the Carnegie Institute, New York University Art Collection, and the New Orleans Museum of Art, among others.




Monday-Thursday, 9:00 AM-6:00 PM and Fridays until 3:00 PM. Selected Sundays (Oct.18, Nov.1, Nov.15, Dec.6, Dec.20, Jan.10, Jan.24, Feb.7 from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM)

Group Tours

please call (212) 824-8284 and leave group name, number, and contact person. A museum docent will return your call.

A Treasury of Sacred Melodies

On View

November 22-February 12
Petrie Great Hall, at the New York School

In celebration of the jubilee year of the School of Sacred Music, the College-Institute will present A Treasury of Sacred Melodies, the first international exhibition of unique and rare vocal scores and materials preserved in the The Eduard Birnbaum Collection of HUC-JIR’s Klau Library in Cincinnati.

The exhibition will feature original works never before shown to the public. Music manuscripts for the Sabbath and Jewish holidays from Germany’s vanished Jewish communities will be displayed together with photographs, memorabilia, artifacts and text panels illustrating the cultural and historical context of the music. The role of Eduard Birnbaum as collector, cantor and composer, as well as the influence of secular and church music on the development of 18th and 19th century Jewish liturgical music will be presented. The important role played by the SSM and the modern cantorate in perpetuating the rich legacy of Jewish music will be highlighted.

Call (212) 824-2205 for hours, location, and details.