New Angles on Los Angeles: The LA Jewish Community
HUC Connect Event
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Strategic Direction Sacred Respectful Community Accreditation Equity & InclusionIn 2021, the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles, in partnership with by the Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies at Brandeis University and NORC at the University of Chicago, sponsored and conducted The Study of Jewish LA, an examination of major trends in LA Jewish demography and sociology. Join HUC faculty in a discussion, cohosted by the LA Federation, about this long-overdue study and its novel approach to gauging Jewish life, questioning our traditional interpretation of intermarriage, diversity, religiosity, and identity.
Sarah Benor, Ph.D., Professor of Contemporary Jewish Studies and Linguistics; Vice Provost, HUC-JIR/Los Angeles
Bruce Phillips, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology & Jewish Communal Service, HUC-JIR/Los Angeles
Steven Windmueller, Ph.D., Interim Director of HUC’s Zelikow School & Emeritus Professor of Jewish Communal Studies, HUC-JIR/Los Angeles
Joshua Holo, Ph.D., Dean, Jack H. Skirball Campus; Associate Professor of Jewish History, HUC-JIR/Los Angeles