ACC Day of Learning on the HUC-JIR Taube Family Campus in Jerusalem
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Cantor Jill Abramson, Director of the Debbie Friedman School of Sacred Music, and Cantor Sarah Grabiner, Assistant Director of the Year-In-Israel Program, have curated a day of learning for cantorial alumni. Join HUC-JIR senior leadership for opportunities to learn with those who teach our current first-year cantorial students in the Year-In-Israel Program, and across the college community.
The day features a lunch celebration of our teacher, the chazan’s chazan, Emeritus Professor Eli Schleifer and the publication of Mizmor L’Eli: The Eliyahu Schleifer Anthology by TMP. The afternoon will conclude with two of Jerusalem’s most exciting ensembles joining us: Niggunim Ensemble (Cantor Rabbi Shani Ben-Or ’21 and Boaz Dorot) and Tandu (Yahala Lachmish and Shani Lachmish).