For Students

Below, please find resources for current students. If you have a general question or want to share a concern about a student or report a suspected policy violation, please contact the Student Support Help Desk.

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Accommodations for Medical Needs and Diverse Learning Styles

We are committed to creating an equitable learning environment for all students by providing reasonable accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act. To determine whether an accommodation is appropriate, an interactive process is necessary between the student and Director of Student Support. Together, you will examine the relevant medical documentation and discuss recommendations for any accommodations that would be helpful for your academic success.

As the seminary and institution of Jewish higher education for the Reform Movement, we prepare leaders for the largest Jewish denomination in North America and the growing Reform communities in Israel and around the world.

  • Josh Garroway


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    I knew I wanted to make the study of Judaism into my life’s work. However, I wasn’t sure exactly what that meant. I went to HUC-JIR unsure of where I was ultimately headed, but I knew it was the right place for me to find out.

    Rabbi Joshua D. Garroway, Ph.D. ‘03

    Interim Dean Los Angeles, Sol and Arlene Bronstein Professor of Judeo-Christian Studies Read Story
  • Alum

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    What’s most rewarding about my HUC-JIR program are the tools I take away from each class. I have seen exponential growth within myself, in my educational leadership practice, my Judaism, and myself. I have been changed for the better because of HUC-JIR.

    Eliana Rubin, M.Ed.L. ‘22

    Educational Consultant, Inclusive Models, The Jewish Education Project Read Story
  • George Altshuler headshot


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    The most rewarding part of being an HUC-JIR student is watching your classmates and yourself grow. I’ve watched us grow into our roles as teachers, pastoral presences, and leaders with a vision for our future.

    George Altshuler '23

    Assistant Rabbi, Congregation Sherith Israel Read Story
  • Madeline Budman


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    I hope I am impacting the communities that I serve by bringing them queer and feminist scholarship that offers a modern and inclusive lens to examine Judaism. If I’ve impacted them the way that they’ve impacted me, then I’ve done an excellent job.

    Madeline Budman ‘24

    Rabbinical Student Read Story

As the seminary and institution of Jewish higher education for the Reform Movement, we prepare leaders for the largest Jewish denomination in North America and the growing Reform communities in Israel and around the world.

Josh Garroway
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I knew I wanted to make the study of Judaism into my life’s work. However, I wasn’t sure exactly what that meant. I went to HUC-JIR unsure of where I was ultimately headed, but I knew it was the right place for me to find out.

Rabbi Joshua D. Garroway, Ph.D. ‘03

Interim Dean Los Angeles, Sol and Arlene Bronstein Professor of Judeo-Christian Studies Read Story
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What’s most rewarding about my HUC-JIR program are the tools I take away from each class. I have seen exponential growth within myself, in my educational leadership practice, my Judaism, and myself. I have been changed for the better because of HUC-JIR.

Eliana Rubin, M.Ed.L. ‘22

Educational Consultant, Inclusive Models, The Jewish Education Project Read Story
George Altshuler headshot
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The most rewarding part of being an HUC-JIR student is watching your classmates and yourself grow. I’ve watched us grow into our roles as teachers, pastoral presences, and leaders with a vision for our future.

George Altshuler '23

Assistant Rabbi, Congregation Sherith Israel Read Story
Madeline Budman
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I hope I am impacting the communities that I serve by bringing them queer and feminist scholarship that offers a modern and inclusive lens to examine Judaism. If I’ve impacted them the way that they’ve impacted me, then I’ve done an excellent job.

Madeline Budman ‘24

Rabbinical Student Read Story
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