February 2022 Update

Dear HUC Community,

Our work at the College-Institute demands that we constantly seek ways to evolve, remain curious, and innovate alongside an ever-changing environment, both within the Jewish community and the world at large. Over two years into the disruptions wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic, we are reminded that we must develop new opportunities for discovery and growth. Our strategic planning work, initiated by President Aaron Panken, z”l, continues at full force to address the present and prepare for a sustainable future. A summary of our planning activities to date are below.

As we look toward securing HUC-JIR’s future as a vibrant center for academic and spiritual exploration, we are driven by five strategic goals developed through our planning process: advancing educational excellence, strengthening student support, growing our impact, achieving fiscal sustainability, and ensuring a sacred and respectful culture.

The Jewish future depends on knowledgeable, compassionate, ethical, and inspiring Jewish leaders to strengthen and transform communities throughout North America, Israel, and the world – leaders who will comfort in times of sorrow, celebrate in times of joy, and raise a love of Torah, Israel, and the Jewish People, as they move our world towards Justice.

Let us work together to ensure a bright, innovative, and impactful future for our beloved College-Institute.


President Andrew Rehfeld, Ph.D.