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Israel Rabbinical Program

Our Mission

The Israel Rabbinical Program prepares the next generation of inspiring Israeli Rabbinic leadership to serve a growing network of over 52 Israeli Reform congregations, a variety of Reform institutions, and a wider world of educational and communal initiatives across Israel.

students smiling at the camera

Our Students

Our students come from across the Jewish and Israeli spectrum, including converts and olim, and from all walks of life, socioeconomic, and professional backgrounds.

Israeli Rabbinical Program students:

  • Become excellent beit midrash teachers and facilitators throughout the course of their studies.
  • Know the world of prayer and ritual and understand its power as an emotional pillar for individuals and communities.
rabbi in service

Our Impact

Over 125 rabbis have completed their studies since the Israel Rabbinical Program (IRP) opened. They now serve in diverse positions in the communities of the Israel Reform Movement.

Graduates of IRP promote progressive Judaism as a viable choice for Israelis and advance the Reform movement as a governmentally recognized and supported form of Judaism. These pluralistic leaders are committed not only to leading Reform Jewish communities, but also to leading Israeli society and the nation towards its future.

For more information, please email us.