Alumni support is vital for funding student fellowships. Our spendable annual endowment income does not fully cover the aggregate cost of tuition that the Pines School of Graduate Studies pays to HUC-JIR each year. Additionally, student stipends are funded entirely out of annual fundraising and contributions. Our goal is to accept more qualified Ph.D. students to the PSGS, but without generous alumni support the number of students that we can fund remains limited.
Please consider a gift specifically designated to the PSGS Scholarship Fund, which supports Ph.D. student stipends. Help us to invest in our current and future students, just as we have invested in each one of you. Every dollar that you contribute goes directly to student financial support. You can donate by mail (your check must specify that this is a gift to the PSGS Scholarship Fund) or online here. When donating online, please click “Other” in the dropdown menu under Designation, then type in PSGS Scholarship Fund.
Graduate student tuition and candidacy fees are supported by endowed scholarship funds that are earmarked for this purpose. Recently, a PSGS scholarship endowment fund has been established in honor of PSGS Director Rabbi Richard Sarason, Ph.D. If you wish additionally to contribute to this fund, you should make out a separate check and specify the Sarason Endowed Scholarship Fund on the memo line. You can also contribute to this fund online here, but you must specify the Sarason Endowed Scholarship Fund in the comment box. For questions, contact Shelly Goldfarb, PSGS Administrative Assistant, at (513) 487-3230 or