Rabbi Emily Aronson ’21 has been appointed Interim Dean of Students at HUC/New York, as of July 1, 2021. Rabbi Aronson will be responsible for coordinating Fall Kallah, orientation, tefilah, holidays, and special events on campus. She will join the New York administration in the intentional creation of a safe and respectful campus environment, including our DEI work. She will coordinate spiritual direction for students and faculty and lead in many other ways.
Rabbi David Adelson, Dean of HUC/New York, stated, “Rabbi Emily Aronson has already made herself indispensable planning for the in-person semester ahead. Her insights into the lives and needs of our diverse student population make her a great leader who I know our students will trust. We feel lucky to have her as part of the team.”
Emily Aronson was ordained at HUC/New York in May 2021. Her rabbinical thesis is titled “From Curing to Crying: Determining God’s Role in Healing for Those with Chronic Illness.” During her HUC studies, she served as the rabbinical intern at DOROT, ARZA, and Congregation Shir Shalom of Westchester and Fairfield Counties. She completed one unit of Clinical Pastoral Education at NY-Presbyterian Hospital, spent two High Holy Day seasons at the University of Rochester Hillel, and spent two summers at Young Judea Sprout Brooklyn Day Camp. She was a Be Wise Fellow in Jewish Entrepreneurship, a Student Clergy Fellow at ARZA, and a Froman Fellow at the New Israel Fund. Emily is an alumna of the Bonnie M. Tisch Fellowship at HUC. She graduated from the Joint Program at Columbia University and the Jewish Theological Seminary with a B.A. in Ethnicity and Race Studies and a B.A. in Jewish Thought. This year, in addition to her position at HUC, she is the Reform Rabbi at the Bronfman Center for Jewish Student Life at NYU.