Midwest Society of Biblical Literature
Sharon Love | “Complaints of Cabul: King Hiram’s Rhetoric in Light of Ancient Near Eastern Diplomatic Parallels”
R. Thomas Murphy | “The Fire Within: Fire Imagery in 4 Maccabees”
Ryan Replogle | “The Case for Martial Cannibalism in the Eastern Mediterranean”
13th Enoch Seminar-Nangeroni Meeting
Mark Shaffer | “The Two-Virtue Canon in Josephus”
Interculturalità e Interazioni fra Ebraismo e Cultura Cristiana, XXXIV Convegno Internazionale dell’AISG, Ravenna, Italy
Vadim Putzu, Ph.D., ’15 | “Ki-tovim dodeka mi-yayin: On a Peculiar Exegesis of Song of Songs 1:2 in Medieval Spanish Kabbalah” [Italian].
Un Intellettuale Ebreo Salentino tra Medioevo ed Età Contemporanea, Giornata di Studi su Shabbetay Donnolo, Lecce, Italy
Vadim Putzu, Ph.D., ’15 | “Shabbetay Donnolo Inside and Outside the Academy in the Last Two Hundred Years” [Italian].
Colloque de recherche de l’ISSR. Enquêter en sciences sociales des religions: Psychologie de la religion, sociologie des religions, sciences sociales des migrations. Institut de Sciences Sociales des Religions, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Vadim Putzu, Ph.D., ’15 |“Prophetic Kabbalah, Hypnosis, and Psychology of Mysticism” [French].
Bill T. Arnold, Ph.D., ’85 ed. | The Cambridge Companion to Genesis. Cambridge Companions to Religion Series. New York and Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022.
Bryan Beyer, Ph.D. ’85 | Co-author, with Bill Jones. Scripture’s Grand Story Through the Old Testament. Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2022.
Jack Lawson, Ph.D., ’92 | No Good Deed. Newton, KS: Wings ePress Books. 2020.
—Criminal Justice. Newton, KS: Wings ePress Books. 2020.
—The Woods. Newton, KS: Wings ePress Books. 2020.
Vadim Putzu, Ph.D., ’15 | “Heretical Orthodoxy: Eastern and Western Esotericism in Thomas Moore Johnson’s ‘Platonism’,” in Esoteric Transfers and Constructions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Edited by Francesco Piraino and Mark Sedgwick. New York: Palgrave MacMillan. Pp. 273-296.
—Review of Jordan D. Rosenblum, Rabbinic Drinking: What Beverages Teach Us About Rabbinic Literature. Oakland, CA: University of California Press, 2020. In Religion 51/2:333-335.
Rabbi Kerry M. Olitzky, DHL ’85 | “’Farming as a Life Occupation’: Peter Salm and the National Farm School (Bucks County, PA) 1939-42.” In New Perspectives in American Jewish History: A Documentary Tribute to Jonathan Sarna. Edited by Mark A. Raider and Gary Phillip Zola. Waltham, MA: Brandeis University Press, 2021. Pp. 248-53.
—“Dues and Fundraising” In Warm and Welcoming: How the Jewish Community Can Become Truly Diverse and Inclusive in the 21st Century. Edited by Warren Hoffman and Miriam Steinberg-Egeth.
—Rudy the Maintenance Man. Springfield, OH: Higher Ground Books and Media. 2021.
— with Bonnie Grubman. The Desert Unicorn. Millburn, NJ: Apples and Honey Press. 2022
Ernest Rubinstein, MAJS ’85 | A Liminal Space Between Judaism and Christianity. Bloomington, IN: Xlibris Publications US. 2021.
Bryan Beyer, Ph.D. ’85, retired June 30, 2021 from Columbia International University, Columbia, SC, where he had served since graduating from HUC. Held various positions over the years: undergraduate Bible faculty, graduate Bible faculty, academic dean, dean of students, associate provost. CIU honored him by naming him Bible Professor Emeritus.
Teppei Kato was recently appointed as a tenured Assistant Professor at Kyushu University and is joining the university’s Faculty of Languages and Cultures starting this April.
Rabbi Kerry M. Olitzky, DHL ’85 commissioned a piece of art in memory of Kristallnacht—installed in the Holocaust Center at Wagner College, Staten Island, NY.
Vadim Putzu, Ph.D., ’15 is on sabbatical for the AY 2021-22 serving as a Visiting Scientist in the Department of Philosophy and Education, University of Turin, Italy and in Israel as a Visiting Scholar at The Haifa Center for Mediterranean History, University of Haifa.