Aryeh Ballaban chaired the Study of Judaism Section at the Midwest American Academy of Religion annual meeting. Missouri State University, Springfield, MO. March 23-25, 2023.
Kyle R. Greenwood, Ph.D. ’08 | “The Fear of the Lord is Wisdom? Yeah, Right. Job 28 as Sarcasm.” Presented at Society of Biblical Literature annual meeting, Biblical Hebrew Poetry Section. Denver, CO. November 20, 2022.
Christopher Slane | “Manna and Quail? A Literary Critical approach to the dual-miracle of Exodus 16.” Presented at Society of Biblical Literature international annual meeting. Pentateuch (Torah) Section. Salzburg, Austria, July 18, 2022.
Kristine Henrikson Garroway, PhD ’09; Christine Elizabeth Palmer, PhD, ’15; and Angela Roskop Erisman, PhD ’08 | Eds. The Body: Lived, Cultured, Adorned: Essays on Dress and the Body in the Bible in Honor of Nili S. Fox. Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press, 2022.
Features the following articles by PSGS alumni:
- Kenneth C. Way, Ph.D. ’06 | “Consider Her: Body-Talk as a Literary Strategy in the Book of Judges.” Pages 15-48.
- Jordan W. Jones, Ph.D. ’18 | “An Embodiment of Silence: The Hand-on-Mouth Gesture in the Bible and the Ancient Near East.” Pages 49-80.
- Michael C. Lyons, Ph.D. ’18 | ”Bodies of Hunger: Hunger as an Indicator of Instability in the Hebrew Bible and Ramesside Egypt.” Pages 81-119.
- Hélène Dallaire, Ph.D. ’02 | “Drama in the Valley of Achor: Corporal Responses in Joshua 7.” Pages 121-151.
- Jeffrey Duerler, Ph.D. ’15 | “Sanctified or Stigmatized?: Social Branding through Smell in the Ancient Near East.” Pages 153-179.
- Kyle R. Greenwood, Ph.D. ’08 | “King of the Mountains: Reassessing the Royal Rights of a Middle Assyrian Cult Pedestal.” Pages 183–207.
- Guy Ridge, Ph.D. ’18 | “Bodies in Lieu of Interest: Pledging Slaves as Collateral on Personal Loans in the Neo-Assyrian Period and Beyond.” Pages 209-236.
- Sarah Dorsey Bollinger, Ph.D. ’18 | “Hair as Ritual Symbol in the Nazirite Vow: A Study of Biblical Hair Manipulation in Numbers 6:1-21.” Pages 239-270.
- Nancy L. Erickson, Ph.D. ’11 | “Shaving It All Off: A Demeaning Prescription for the Levites in Numbers 8.” Pages 271-299.
- Benjamin J. Noonan, Ph.D. ’12 | “An Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat: The Style and Significance of Joseph’s Garment.” Pages 319-360.
- Carl Pace, Ph.D. ’15 | “Vulnerable Fabrics: Negation of Dress and Power in the Hebrew Bible.” Pages 361-390.
- Kristine Henriksen Garroway, Ph.D. ’09 | “The Gift that Keeps on Giving: Children and Clothes in the Hebrew Bible.” Pages 391-410.
- Christine Elizabeth Palmer, Ph.D. ’15 | “Embodied Remembrance: The Inscribed Priestly Seals in Israel’s Worship.” Pages 411-445.
Features the following articles by PSGS faculty:
- David Ilan | “The Weeping Lady of Gilat: The Iconography of Affect and Rites of Passage.” Pages 301-315.
- Jason Kalman | “And a Poor Man for a Pair of Shoes: A Peculiar Exegetical Twist on the Sale of Joseph.” Pages 447-496.
Features an introductory essay by the editors and a foreword by Joan Pines.
Seymour Gitin, Ph.D. ’80 with Steve M. Ortiz and Trude Dothan | Ekron 10/1 the Tel Miqne-Ekron Excavations 1994-1996, Field IV Upper and Field V: The Elite Zone: Part 1: Iron Age IIC Temple Complex 650. Published under the auspices of the Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East on behalf of the W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research and the Hebrew University by Eisenbrauns/Pennsylvania State University, 2022.
——— Ekron 10/2 the Tel Miqne-Ekron Excavations 1994-1996, Field IV Upper and Field V: The Elite Zone: Part 2: Iron Age IIC Temple Complex 650, Sections, Plans and Database. Published on behalf of the W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research and the Hebrew University, 2022, available at
Kyle R. Greenwood, Ph.D. ’08 and David B. Schreiner | Ahab’s House of Horrors: A Historiographic Study of the Military Campaigns of the House of Omri. Studies in Biblical Archaeology, Geography, and History. Bellingham, WA: Lexham, 2023.
J. Michael Thigpen, Ph.D., ’14 | “Forgiveness as the Mitigation of Punishment in Kings: Repentance, the Monarchy, and Divine Motive.” Pages 67–83 in Remember Their Sins No More?: Forgiveness and the Hebrew Bible. Edited by David J. Shepherd and Richard S. Briggs. Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2022.
——- “‘For I Am God Not Man’: Divine Self-Disclosure in the Motive Statements of Hosea.” Horizons in Biblical Theology 45.1 (2023): 59–82.
Other News
PSGS Director Richard Sarason and Anne Arenstein are delighted to announce the birth of their granddaughter Salome Evelyn Wenstrup Sarason on March 22, 2023. The proud parents are Michael Sarason and Tess Wenstrup.