Our School of Education faculty are engaged in research and teaching within and beyond HUC-JIR, and we are pleased to share some highlights of our faculty’s recent scholarship and service.
Lauren Applebaum, Ed.D.

- Received the Network for Research in Jewish Education Article of the Year award with Dr. Sivan Zakai and Dr. Anna Hartman (EMA clinical faculty) for co-authored article, “A Little Bit More Far Than Mexico: How 3- and 4-year-old Jewish Children Understand Israel” Journal of Jewish Education, 2021.
- Published “A very protected space to play” in Portraits of Adult Jewish Learning: Making Meaning at Many Tables,” edited by Diane Tickton Schuster (Wipf and Stock, 2022).
- Became a book review editor of the Journal of Jewish Education.
- Joined the board of Ramah in the Rockies outdoor adventure camp.
Lesley Litman, Ed.D., RJE

- Litman, L. (unpublished). Contributor, Teaching Adults in American Values, Religious Voices: Letters of Hope by People of Faith Rabbi Andrea Weiss, Editor.
- Litman, L. and M. Zeldin (2022). Surfing the Waves of Uncertainty: How Jewish Educational Leaders Face Enduring Dilemmas. Journal of Jewish Education 88:1.
- Litman, L. and M. Zeldin (July 12, 2021). Seven strategies for meeting the challenges of reopening.
- Senior consultant to ARZA Canada on the ARZA Canada Israel Curriculum Project.
Michal Muszkat-Barkan, Ph.D.
- Published “Side by Side:” Nurturing Local Intercultural Competence in a Professional Development Program for
Palestinian and Jewish Teachers, Teachers College Record 2022, Vol. 124(2) 170– 196. This research is focused on the Teachers’ lounge program which was initiated and operates in the HUC Jerusalem campus.
- Led with the Arab Palestinian writer Marzuq Halabi and the Jewish writer and Poet Dr. Almog Behar a writing workshop for “Stories From the Teachers’ Lounge” – July 2022.
Miriam Heller Stern, Ph.D.
Featured expert on two recent podcasts:
- Published, with co-author Tobin Belzer, “The Past as Portal to the Future: theatre dybbuk’s Creative Exploration and Presentation of Jewish History,” in Portraits of Adult Jewish Learning: Making Meaning at Many Tables, edited by Diane Tickton Schuster (Wipf and Stock Publishers: 2022). Stern will moderate a book launch event on September 21, to be convened online by the Mandel Center for Studies in Jewish Education. Register here for the event.

Rabbi Laura Novak Winer, Ed.D.
- Appointed Co-chair of the HUC-JIR Teshuvah Working Group.
- HUC Faculty in Residence for the Hillel International New Professionals Institute – July 2022.
Sivan Zakai, Ph.D.
Michael Zeldin, Ph.D.

- Served on the faculty of the iFellows program at the iCenter for Israel education.
- Co-taught with alumna Tamara Gropper a series of seminars for SOE alumni on “Leading with Gravitas.”
- Co-authored with Lesley Litman, “Surfing the Waves of Uncertainty: How Jewish Educational Leaders Face Enduring Dilemmas” published in the Journal of Jewish Education.
- Served as a mentor in the Certificate Program in Experiential Israel Education at George Washington University.
- Spoke at Dr. Michael Zeldin Alumni-in-Residence Program along with Rabbi Stacy Rigler on “Leadership Mindsets for Today Jewish Spaces.”