Listening and Reflecting

By Laura Siegel Perpinyal at URJ Olin Sang Ruby Union Institute, Wisconsin

July 3, 2023

I feel so lucky to spend two weeks of my summer as faculty at URJ Olin Sang Ruby Union Institute (OSRUI). While at camp I’m embedded with a unit where I work with our song leader to prepare and then help to lead t’fillah twice a day, I work with madrichim to prepare and to facilitate limmud and help to incorporate Jewish themes that are explored by campers throughout the day. I eat my meals with the unit, visit their intensives like science, cooking, aquatics, musical theater and sports and help with b mitzvah tutoring. I work closely with the unit head, supporting them throughout the day and reminding them to drink water.


(l) Leading the Torah service for all camp T’fillah during Maccabiah.
(r) Explaining Havdallah rituals on the basketball court before the first Havdallah of the session.

But what I’m really here to do is listen and reflect. I love speaking with campers and counselors alike about their lives and to help them make connections, whether about how to make Minecraft Jewish or suggestions for study abroad programs. We discuss why we face East when we pray and how incredibly kind older campers are to younger ones. We work through difficult parts of the day and help campers and counselors problem solve, so that each individual is growing into their best selves.

I was one of those counselors once that loved to plan meaningful programming and a faculty member saw that spark in me. They suggested I attend an Association of Reform Jewish Educators (ARJE) Annual Gathering as an intern and it was there that I learned all about HUC. I went on to study and received my Joint Masters in Jewish Education and Jewish Non-profit Management from HUC-JIR in 2009. As part of my role as Director of Congregational Learning at Temple Beth-El in Northbrook, IL, I have the privilege of coming back to camp summer after summer as faculty and God-willing continue the cycle, one Jewish Minecraft conversation at a time.

Laura Siegel Perpinyal ’09, RJE, is Director of Congregational Learning at Temple Beth-El in Northbrook, IL. She serves on the RECC, The Rabbi Educator Cantor Council, that helps facilitate all of the 50+ faculty at OSRUI each summer. She is also a proud board member of the ARJE. Laura is an alum of our joint Masters in Jewish Education and Jewish Non-profit Management.