Thursday, November 3, 2022
On November 20, 2022, PSGS alumni, current graduate students, and friends of HUC-JIR will gather in Denver, Colorado at the alumni luncheon in conjunction with the annual SBL/AAR meetings. We will enjoy catching up with friends, making contacts, and reconnecting with HUC-JIR faculty. The decision to eliminate the residential rabbinical program in Cincinnati remains a source of sadness for Graduate School alumni. Many have expressed their incredible gratitude for what HUC-JIR has meant for their personal and professional lives. We remain concerned for the future of the PSGS and await further news from HUC-JIR leadership.
There are several ways alumni can support current graduate students. For one, alumni can help by giving to the PSGS scholarship fund. Those who are presently receiving Pines fellowships are fully funded through the end of their eligibility. But there is still need of funds for stipends, and alumni participation in giving to the Graduate School scholarship fund would be extremely helpful. In addition, we are continuing to look for alumni who are interested in serving as mentors for current students. Interested alumni who have not already communicated their interest should contact me at Moreover, the PSGS would like to offer professional workshops remotely for current graduate students in the upcoming year. It is hoped that alumni will participate in delivering these workshops. Be prepared for more information to come.
Graduate School Graduation took place on May 20, 2022 // 19 Iyar 5782 in Cincinnati. The Doctor of Philosophy in Judaic, Hebraic, and Cognate Studies was presented to Caleb A. Gilmore, Sharon R. Love, Jared Wesson Saltz, and Keith R. Vande Vrede. The Master of Philosophy in Judaic, Hebraic, and Cognate Studies was presented to Julia Rose Olson. The Master of Arts in Jewish Studies was presented to William Evan Vossman and Rebekah Jane Wallace. Congratulations to these graduates!
Finally, we are still compiling a bibliography of Pines School of Graduate Studies alumni publications. A link to the publications we have received so far can be found here. For those PSGS alumni who have not yet submitted a bibliography of their published works, feel free to send your bibliography to Dr. Hélène Dallaire at