Traveling Exhibition
One might not immediately associate Frank Stella (b. 1936), the American painter, sculptor, and printmaker noted for his work in the areas of minimalism and post-painterly abstraction with a cumulative, lyrical poem that concludes the traditional Seder, or festive meal, on the Jewish holiday of Passover.
A revolutionary Haggadah for the 21st century, The Bronfman Haggadah is a provocative and stunningly visual reinterpretation of the Passover story.
Hollywood films in the three decades after World War II portrayed 4000 years of Jewish historical identity and, in some of the biggest box office hits of all times, transformed the image of the Jew from embattled to triumphant.
When post-World War II Europe found itself devastated by the loss of its Jewish population, Albania was the only country to boast a larger number of Jewish people than it had housed prior to the Holocaust.
Graphic artist and sculptor, Joëlle Dautricourt was born in 1956 in Paris where she still resides. She explores Jewish writing and its graphic poetry along two lines: avant-garde modern books and Hebrew typography and calligraphy.
In the midst of human tragedies in the Middle East, internationally renowned photographer Chanan Getraide captures the essence of Israel and the promise of the land itself.
Bergen-Belsen, a wartime concentration camp, became the largest displaced persons (DP) camp in Germany, at a time when over 250,000 displaced, homeless Jewish survivors sought to recover from the destruction of their families and communities, regain their physical health,and gather the strength and hope to create new families and new homes in new lands.
The exhibition explores the ways in which aging is a process that begins with birth – as a lifelong journey affecting the dynamics of human relationships, creativity, memory, continuity, and growth.
An exhibition in memory of the annihilation of Hungarian Jewry during the summer of 1944, when Jews deported to their deaths at Auschwitz were required to write deceptive postcards from the nonexistent "Waldsee" to their families, reassuring them that all was well.
The 65 international artists featured in this exhibition seek to express their concern by sharing their responses to a broad range of challenges.