Los Angeles:
Frances-Henry Library

Open Today 9 AM–5 PM


Learn More About Us

The Frances-Henry Library of HUC-JIR collects, preserves, and makes available a carefully selected variety of library materials in support of all the educational, professional, and vocational programs of the campus. The Library also supports the academic partnership with the University of Southern California and its constituencies.

As a major Jewish informational resource, it serves the reference and research needs of the Greater Los Angeles community and other parts of the continental West Coast and Hawaii.

The Library staff are happy to step away from our desks to warmly welcome our diverse patrons and assist them with their library needs. Our beautiful library space has both areas for quiet study and for chavruta or group study, and offers plenty of natural light and a great view of downtown Los Angeles.


Mon, Jan 20th (MLK Day) – CLOSED

Mon, Feb 17 (President’s Day) – CLOSED



Monday: 9 AM – 5 PM
Tuesday: 9 AM – 5 PM
Wednesday: 9 AM – 5 PM
Thursday: 9 AM – 5 PM
Friday: Closed
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

All times are in PT

HUC-JIR students, faculty, and staff, students and faculty at other Los Angeles institutions of higher learning, and Los Angeles area residents.

The Frances-Henry Library, Los Angeles
Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion
3077 University Ave,
Los Angeles, CA 90007

If you are using a computer mapping program, use the address: 845 W. 32nd Street, Los Angeles, CA 90007.

View on Google Maps

HUC-JIR is located at the northeast corner of Hoover & 32nd Street, one block north of USC. It can be reached by traveling on the Santa Monica Freeway (10), getting off at Hoover and going south, or from the Harbor Freeway (110), getting off at Adams going west to Hoover and going south on Hoover.

Since University Avenue is a pedestrian path near the campus, if you are using our mailing address (3077 University Ave), mapping programs will point you to an inaccessible spot in our parking lot.

The entrance to the parking lot is on Hoover Avenue. Use the intercom to call security to request access.

The Library is located on the second floor of the building. After you sign in at security, you can take the stairs or elevator to the library.


The Frances-Henry Library of HUC-JIR collects, preserves, and makes available a carefully selected variety of library materials in support of all the educational, professional, and vocational programs of the campus. The Library also supports the academic partnership with the University of Southern California and its constituencies. As a major Jewish informational resource, it serves the reference and research needs of the Greater Los Angeles community and other parts of the continental West Coast and Hawaii.

Library System

The mission of the HUC-JIR Library system is to collect, preserve, and provide access to the record of Jewish thought and experience throughout the ages and to related fields and disciplines. The Library system has a responsibility to support the teaching and research functions of the College-Institute and a special goal to document Reform (Progressive/Liberal) Judaism. Operating through the four campus libraries, the aim is to optimize total resources with a minimum of unnecessary duplication.