Library FAQ
Browse answers to frequently asked questions about HUC-JIR's libraries.
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Strategic Direction Sacred Respectful Community Accreditation Equity & InclusionBrowse answers to frequently asked questions about HUC-JIR's libraries.
Please see each individual campus page for up-to-date information about each campus library, including library hours and to what extent they are each open to the general public.
*Please remember to check your library’s hours page to ensure the library is open for your returns.*
Cincinnati Returns – The library is open from 9 am – 6 pm Monday – Thursday. Books can be dropped in the drop box by the front door or brought to the circulation desk.
Interlibrary- Loan
HUC – Klau Library
3101 Clifton Ave.
Cincinnati, OH
New York Returns – The library is open 9 am – 5 pm Monday – Thursday. Books may be returned to the library circulation desk or mailed to:
Klau Library, New York
Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion
Brookdale Center
One West 4th Street
New York, NY 10012-1186.
Los Angeles Returns– The library is open 9 am – 5 pm Monday – Thursday. Books may be returned to the library circulation desk or mailed to:
Frances-Henry Library, HUC-JIR
3077 University Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90007
Jerusalem Returns– The library is open 8:15 – 4:45 Sunday – Thursday. Books may be returned to the library circulation desk.
US Patrons – Login to your library account using these instructions. Here is a visual guide to renewing your items. If your book is more than 48 hours overdue, please contact us at for further assistance.
Jerusalem Campus – You may email us ( or call us (02-6203270) and ask for a renewal. If there is no holding on the book or any other problem, we will be happy to renew it.
Please contact Lisa Ben-Hur, the Library Computer Specialist or follow the Password Reset instructions here.
Only HUC faculty, staff, students, and alumni will be able to access eBooks (using your SSO login). Look for the blue “View eBook” button to view each available item.
The titles from the collection of Kotar eBooks are accessible through the library catalog. US users will be directed to the SSO from the online book links, while users in Israel will be directed to EZProxy.
HUC alumni can access our research databases and eBooks using their SSO login (see above for assistance). Alumni can check out up to 30 items at a time and items have a 3-month loan period. Please contact us about mailing items to your home if you do not live near one of our campuses.
If you are an on-site HUC faculty member or student, please come to the library and ask for assistance using our scanning equipment. Off-site HUC faculty and students should submit requests via their campus Item Request Form (look for the button on your campus library page). Outside researchers and students should submit all scan requests via their home institution or local public library.
All rabbinic theses from Cincinnati graduates are in the process of being digitized. After searching our catalog, look in the item record for the blue “Access Online” button. If the item in question has not yet been digitized, please use our Item Request Form to ask that it be advanced in the digitization queue, which can take 3-4 weeks to process. New York or Los Angeles theses may be accessed in-house (more recent theses are available online as well).
Graduate Dissertations are accessible in-house. To request a scan, please email us here and we will verify if we have sharing permissions on file. If we do not have permission on file, patrons are welcome to contact the author and obtain written permission for us to digitize these items. To obtain a scanned dissertation, HUC students and alumni will be asked to use the Item Request Form for these requests. Outside researchers will be directed to use the regular ILL system through their home institution, and bear responsibility for all necessary processing fees.
If you can’t find what you’re looking for in the library catalog, please submit the Item Request Form, linked below, for your campus (for Jerusalem, email Asia Libman). This form is used for requesting Interlibrary-Loan items from our university partners, or when you need materials from our closed collections (microfilm, special collections, Freidus, and RBR).
Please visit the American Jewish Archive’s website for more information.