Free Online Resources - Holocaust Studies

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Ghetto Fighters' House Museum ArchiveFull text and scans, art, photos, audio recordings related to Holocaust are available here.
Holocaust and Humanity EducationThe Center for Holocaust and Humanity Education educates about the Holocaust, remembers its victims and acts on its lessons. Through innovative programs and partnerships, CHHE challenges injustice, inhumanity and prejudice, and fosters understanding, inclusion and engaged citizenship. Resources include traveling and permanent exhibits, teacher trainings, and innovative programs.
Holocaust TimelineThe History Place hosts a timeline of the Holocaust from 1933 when Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany until the 1961 Eichman trial.
Jewish Partisan Educational FoundationThe mission of JPEF is to develop and distribute effective educational materials about the Jewish partisans and their life lessons, bringing the celebration of heroic resistance against tyranny into educational and cultural organizations.
KindertransportThis website provides access to the history, photographs and stories of those who were on the Kindertransport evacuation trains for children fleeing Germany, Austria, Poland, and Czechoslovakia to the UK after Kristallnacht.
NizkorNizkor is a Canadian organization and Holocaust memorial through Bnai Brith Canada, which also provides guides to further research.
Simon Wiesenthal CenterThe Simon Wiesenthal Center is a global human rights organization researching the Holocaust and hate in a historic and contemporary context.
Teacher's Guide to the HolocaustAn overview of the people and events of the Holocaust through photographs, documents, art, music, movies, and literature This site includes many resources for teachers and activities for students in various grade levels.
USC Shoah FoundationThe Visual History Archive is an online portal from USC Shoah Foundation that allows users to search through and view 53,000 audiovisual testimonies of survivors and witnesses of the Holocaust and other genocides that have been catalogued and indexed at the Institute.
United States Holocaust Memorial MuseumThe United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is a living memorial to the Holocaust, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum inspires citizens and leaders worldwide to confront hatred, prevent genocide, and promote human dignity. This website provides photographs, videos, survivor testimonies, and other exhibits related to the Holocaust as well as other genocides and ethnic cleansings. offers contributors (survivors, liberators, historians, family, students and teachers) a place to connect and share the best research resources and stories through art, photography, painting, audio/video, and remembrance.
World Memory ProjectThis project of United States Holocasut Memorial Musium includes millions of documents containing details about victims of the Holocaust and Nazi persecution during World War II. This is a free searchable database hosted by Volunteers may also participate by keying in records to add to the database.
Yad VashemYad Vashem in Israel is the world center for documentation, commemoration and memorial for the Holocaust. The website Includes access to archives, digital collections, survivor testimonies, etc.
Yizkor BooksDatabase of 1,033 Yizkor books that document the history, daily, life, etc of communities in Eastern Europe mainly, which were destroyed during the Holocaust and WWII.