Campus Choice Considerations

Campus Selection

Welcome to the HUC-JIR Rabbinical School! Having been admitted for the coming academic year, we invite you to indicate your preference for the U.S. campus on which to study following the Year-in-Israel program. The Los Angeles and New York campuses both strive to offer vibrant, inclusive, and respectful communities of learning that serve as laboratories for spiritual exploration and academic inquiry. On both campuses, you will receive an outstanding education as you grow and develop academically, professionally, spiritually, and personally.

Every rabbinical student follows a similar curriculum and receives the same grounding in Judaic and professional studies, with access to elective courses on their own campus and online with faculty from other campuses. All rabbinical students will have an array of supervised fieldwork opportunities and the chance to engage in spiritual direction, be part of the t’filah community, participate in campus-wide communal activities, explore the surrounding city, and more.

As you consider campus selection, think about where you believe you can grow the most as rabbinical student, not necessarily where you see yourself living long-term, since after ordination HUC-JIR alumni take positions around the country and beyond the United States.

As you are considering which campus would be the best fit for you, we encourage:

  • Visiting a campus. We are happy to reimburse you up to $250 towards your travel costs in visiting one of our campuses. While on campus, you will have a chance to visit classes, participate in other activities on campus, speak with current students, and meet with the rabbinic program director on that campus. Schedule your visit here.
  • Connecting with the rabbinic program director and/or current students on campus. Contact the members of the ORA team on the Los Angeles and New York campuses. They will connect you with a rabbinic program director and/or current students who can answer your questions and provide more information.

The College-Institute strives to maintain incoming second year rabbinical school classes of at least 6 students on each campus so that students can benefit from being part of a vibrant learning cohort. Adjustments to student preference may be made if student selection yields cohorts below that minimum number.

At the start of the second semester of the Year-In-Israel, the Rabbinical School Director will accept transfer requests if students would like to change their assignment for the second year.

Other questions about the process, please make an appointment with one of us or email

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