The History of Circumcision in the Biblical World
This webinar is sponsored by the Brit Milah Program of Reform Judaism and the Hebrew Union College/Jewish Institute of Religion.
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Strategic Direction Sacred Respectful Community Accreditation Equity & InclusionThis webinar is sponsored by the Brit Milah Program of Reform Judaism and the Hebrew Union College/Jewish Institute of Religion.
Circumcision is practiced around the world countless times every day for reasons of religious identity and cultural expectation. As our oldest continuously practiced ritual, Jews have always performed circumcision as a symbol of our covenanted relationship with God. As it often is today, this religious rite must have been experienced as perplexing and fraught with emotion.
Dr. Kristine Garroway, author of the award-winning book “Growing Up in Ancient Israel,” will discuss what we know today about how circumcision was understood and practiced in the Biblical world.