Backwards and Forwards: Facing Antisemitism through Looking Back Panel Discussion
Join Dr. Michael A. Meyer, Rabbi Ari Ballaban (Jewish Community Relations Council), and Dr. Jordan Finkin in conversation with Rabbi Jonathan Hecht to address audience questions on antisemitism. Professor Emeritus, Dr. Meyer, is a German-born American historian who has extensively studied pre-war European Jewry and taught courses at HUC on antisemitism. Rabbi Ballaban, as the director of the JCRC, works tirelessly to manage and respond to potential violations of the rights and freedoms of Jews in our local community. Dr. Finkin, the Deputy Director and Rare Book and Manuscript Librarian at the Klau, will address the influence of antisemitic writings and propaganda on populations who went on to perpetrate or ignore heinous crimes against Jews throughout history. Bring your thoughtful questions and participate in this important conversation to better understand the current rise in animosity directed against Jews, how we got here, and where to go toward a brighter future.