Annual Fund
The Annual Fund supports areas of greatest need each year – from student travel and supplies to new technologies and urgent emergency aid. Every gift, every year makes an impact. Make yours today!
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Strategic Direction Sacred Respectful Community Accreditation Equity & InclusionThe Annual Fund supports areas of greatest need each year – from student travel and supplies to new technologies and urgent emergency aid. Every gift, every year makes an impact. Make yours today!
One of the College-Institute’s most important philanthropic priorities, the Annual Fund supports everything we do at HUC-JIR. From student aid to library acquisitions and everything in between, the Annual Fund provides a critical well of support from which we can supplement areas of greatest need, capitalize on exciting new opportunities, and respond to unexpected emergencies each year.
Every gift is used immediately to support the exceptional HUC-JIR educational experiences you expect for our students: accomplished faculty, classrooms, technology for online learning, the most up-to-date library and digital resources, mentoring, spiritual growth, internships and their supervision, counseling, professional skill-building, and accommodations for learning needs.
With your yearly commitment to the Annual Fund, you truly help forge a new generation of inspired Jewish leaders who will guide our communities and sustain a vibrant and relevant Jewish future. And your giving signals to fellow alumni and the wider world that HUC-JIR is an essential institution, worthy of investment.
There are many ways to make your yearly commitment to the Annual Fund. All gifts are fully tax-deductible and every gift helps create life-changing opportunities for HUC-JIR students.
The simplest way to make a gift to HUC-JIR is by cash or credit card online or through the mail.
Please make your check payable to Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion and mail it to HUC-JIR Annual Appeal, 3101 Clifton Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45220.
When you become a Sustaining Donor, our credit or debit card will automatically be billed each month until you say otherwise. You can change or stop your payments at any time. To make your sustaining gift today, please complete our recurring gift pledge.
Your or your spouse or partner’s employer may double or even triple your Annual Fund contribution if they offer a Matching Gift program. Ask your company’s human resources department for more information or contact an HUC-JIR representative at 212.824.2202 or
Make your gift now with an online donation.
For more information on the HUC-JIR Annual Fund, please contact an HUC-JIR representative at 212.824.2202 or