The problematic of Prophethood: why we need prophets yet we hate them.
Messianism in Judaism: An Ever-present Danger
Islam & Democracy: Compatible?
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam in Dialogue And Dissent: Abraham and Covenant in Three Scriptures
Abraham: The First Jew, Christian or Muslim? A Comparative Study of the Patriarch from the Perspectives of Judaism, Christianity and Islam
Who are the (Real) Chosen People? The Meaning of Divine Election in Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
Arabian Origins and the Emergence of Islam
Muhammad and the Jews of Medina: The Problematic of Emerging Religions
The Five Pillars Of Islam: An Introduction to Islam and its relationship with Judaism
Jewish-Muslim Relations: A Historical Perspective
Whose Jerusalem? The Holy City in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
Divine Authority and Mass Violence: Holy War in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
Jihad: Its Meaning, Historical Application, and Influence on the Arab/Palestinian-Israeli Conflict
Islam and Suicide Bombings: How the Forbidden Became Acceptable
Holy War in Judaism: The Fall and Rise of a Controversial Idea
Antisemitism & Islamophobia: Origins, History, Relationship
What Does Islam Really Say About Jews And Judaism (or Jews & Christians and Judaism and Christianity)? A study of the classic Islamic texts
How Do We See Each Other? Classic and Contemporary Views of Jews and Muslims toward the Other
Jews under Christendom, Jews under Islam
Islam in America: Old Muslims, Black Muslims, New Muslims
Comparative Text Study in Bible & Qur’an: Adam and Eve in the Garden, Cain and Abel, Noah and the Flood, A Family Feud: Sarah & Hagar, Isaac and Ishmael, The Story of Joseph, Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife, Moses and the Burning Bush, The Exodus from Egypt, The Sinai Experience, Tzedakah, Kosher/Halal Food Laws, etc.
If There Is Only One God, Why Are There So Many Monotheisms? A Study of Monotheistic Religions.
Why Jews Don’t Proselytize
How do Jews Polemicize?
MAINstream and EXtreme in Religion
Islam and the Arab Spring. Where did it Come from and Where is it Going?
Islam and ISIS. What is the Connection?
Is The Qur’an Antisemitic?