An Introduction to Biblical History
Public Lecture Topics
The Bible and Archaeology
New Gleanings from the Excavations at Tel Dan (or The Hidden Secrets of Ancient Tel Dan, Israel)
Who Were the Biblical Danites? An Archaeological Perspective (the more academic version is titled: Who were the Danites? Acculturation and Socioeconomic Change at Tel Dan (Israel) in the Early Iron Age (1200-1000 BCE)
The Archaeology of Pilgrimage in Ancient Israel: Tel Dan in the Iron Age II (950-600 BCE)
The Dawn of Imperialism: Egyptians at Megiddo in the Early Bronze Age (3500-2900 BCE).
Death in Canaan: Mortuary Practices and Religious Belief in the Bronze Age (3500-1200 BCE).
The Mystery of the Missing Dagger Blade
What’s New in the Archaeology of Israel
Temples, Treasures and the Dominion of Death: Spiritual Life and Ritual Practice in the Mysterious Chalcolithic Culture of Canaan circa 4000 BCE
How Ancient Israel Began: A New Archaeological Perspective
”Thou Shalt Make No Graven Image”: An Archaeological Speculation on the Origins of the Second Commandment