2018: “Preserving the Democratic and a Jewish nature of Israel given current realities.” Invited talk at the Center for Comparative and International Studies, University of Zurich
2017: “Behavioral economics and access to Jewish life: what we can learn from Toyota and Westinghouse.” Invited seminar, Hebrew Union College—Jewish Institute of Religion, Jerusalem.
2016: “Making and unmaking the Jewish People: Reflections on Israel, Religious Zionism and the crisis of leadership in North American Jewry.” Invited talk at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, Cincinnati, OH.
“Liberalism in America.” Invited plenary address at the 2016 Policy History Conference, Nashville, TN. (with Rogers Smith, Jeffrey Tullis and William Rorabaugh).
2015: “On Representing.” Invited talk at the University of York, UK.
“Representation, Authority and Right.” Conference on Representation, University of York, UK.
“Representation, Authority and Right.” Political Theory Workshop, Washington University in St. Louis
2012: Invited Centennial Speaker, Political Theory, Empirical Political Analysis, and the Evolution of Political Science, Canadian Political Science Association annual meeting, Alberta, Canada. June.
“Why Children Should Be Allowed to Vote (but not their Grandparents).” Invited talk. Professor Emeriti Monthly Meeting, Washington University in St. Louis. April.
“What Makes Representation Democratic, Legitimate or Just?” Paper presented at the Western Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Portland. March.
“Democratic Theory, Responsiveness and Federalism.” Invited speaker and discussant. Mini-conference on Policy Responsiveness in the Context of Federalism, Center for American Political Responsiveness, Penn State University, February.
“The Representation of Hobbes.” Paper presented at the Southern Political Science Association Annual Meeting. New Orleans. January.
2011: “Why Thomas Hobbes had no theory of representation” Paper presented at the Northeastern Political Science Association, Philadelphia. November.
“The Political Representation of Children.” Invited guest in Professor Rogers Smith’s citizenship seminar, University of Pennsylvania. November.
“Hanna Pitkin’s Concept of Democracy.” Paper presentation for the Association for Political Theory annual meeting. University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN (October) and
“What Makes Representation Democratic, Legitimate or Just?” Invited keynote speaker for conference on Representation and Legitimacy, University of Reading, UK. September.
“The Political Representation of Children.” Invited Speaker for First Year Faculty Talk Series, Washington University in St. Louis. August.
“Dogmatic Political Theory” Presentation for the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Seattle. August.
“Why Children Should Be Allowed to Vote (but their Grandparents Shouldn’t)” Invited talk. First Year Faculty Talk Series, Washington University in St. Louis, August.
“Hannah Pitkin’s concept of democracy or What a concept of representation should do.” Invited presentation Workshop, Groupe de Recherche Interuniversitaire en Philosophie Politique, Montreal. May
“The Political Representation of Children.” Invited Talk, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire. April.
“The Concepts of Representation.” Political Theory Workshop, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec. January.
“The Political Representation of Children.” Political Theory colloquium, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec. January.
2010: “Representing Children” (“The Political Rights of Children”)
Faculty Colloquium, LUISS Guido Carli, Rome, November
American Political Science Association, Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, September.
Workshop, Law School, Washington University in St. Louis, July.
Canadian Political Science Association, Annual Meeting, Montreal, June.
“The Concepts of Representation” distributed paper for, “Political Representation: New Directions.” Invited participant. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. October.
2009: “The Paradox of Racial Profiling: distinguishing public and private reasons.” Panel on Racial Profiing, Center for Ethics and Human Values. November.
Invited Participant, “Workshop on Political Representation,” University of Berne, Bern Switzerland. November.
Invited Participant in “Child as Citizen” author’s workshop, at the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, sponsored by Harvard University Committee on Human Rights Studies and the Harvard School of Public Health. November.
Invited Faculty Speaker, “Reasons and the Life of the Mind.” Freshman Convocation, Washington University in St. Louis August.
“Trustees, Delegates and Gyroscopes: Political Representation and Democratic Justice”
Invited talk, Columbia University Political Theory Workshop. March.
2008: “George Washington and Virtue.” Invited talk, Assembly Series, Washington University in St. Louis. September.
“On Quotas and Qualifications for Office,”
Association for Political Theory annual meeting, October.
“Democratic Lawmaking and Political Representation.”
Invited talk, Stanford University Political Theory Workshop, February.
“Why Universities Sponsor Presidential Debates.” MLA Seminar Series, Washington University in St. Louis. February
“Democratic Lawmaking and Political Representation.”
Political Theory Workshop, Washington University in St. Louis, January .
2007: “Offensive Political Theory”
Annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, September.
2006: “Trustees, Delegates and Gyroscopes”: Democratic Justice and the Ethics of Political Representation”
Annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, PA, September.
“Locke, the Hebrew Bible and the American Revolution.”
Conference on Political Hebraism, Shalem Center, Jerusalem, December.
“The Strange Case of John Locke and the Hebrew Bible in the Second Treatise on Government.”
Association for Political Theory, Annual Meeting, Bloomington, IN, October.
“Quotas and Qualifications.”
Invited talk for “Rethinking Political Order” conference, Yale University, October
“Quotas and Qualifications.”
Invited talk, Political Theory workshop, Brown University. October.
“Trustees, Delegates and Gyroscopes: Democratic Justice and the Ethics of Political Representation.”
American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, September
“Political Representation as a Gross Concept”
Presented at “Reconsidering Democratic Representation,” Conference at University of British Columbia, May.
“Political Representation as a Gross Concept.”
Invited talk at the Montreal Political Theory Workshop on new developments in the theory of political representation, McGill University, April.
“Offensive Political Theory.”
Presented at the Political Theory Workshop, Washington University in St. Louis, April.
“A General Theory of Political Representation.”
Invited talk, Department of Political Science, Indiana University, Bloomington, February.
2005: “A General Theory of Political Representation.”
Invited talk, Department of Political Science, University of Minnesota, December.
“A General Theory of Political Representation.”
Invited talk, Department of Political Science, Ohio State University, December.
“Offensive Political Theory”
Presented at the Association for Political Theory, Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO, October.
“Towards a General Theory of Political Representation.”
Invited talk at the Legal Theory Workshop, Columbia University Law School, September.
“Quotas and Qualifications: Gender, age, and the presumptive right to run for office”
Paper presented at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, September.
2004: “Electoral Representation, Revisited”
Invited Presentation at “Transformation of Democratic Representation,” Center for Democracy and the Third Sector, Georgetown University, June.
2003: “Legitimate political representation and electoral constituencies: creating a baseline for institutional design.”
Presented at American Political Science Association Annual Meeting 2003, Philadelphia, September.
“The Logic of Affirmative Action”
Presented at the STA Conference on Diversity and Social Discrimination, Washington University in St. Louis, March.
2002: “The Perils of Ethics and Public Policy”
Invited talk, Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago, October.
“Qualified to Rule: Age Qualifications and Democratic Legitimacy”
Brownbag talk, Weidenbaum Center on the Economy, Government and Public Policy, Washington University in St. Louis, September.
2001: “The Extended Republic and James Madison’s Federalist 10”
Conference on constitutions and voting, Washington University in St. Louis, December.
“On Legitimacy and Political Representation.”
Invited talk Department of Political Science, Washington University in St. Louis, February.
“On Legitimacy and Political Representation.”
Invited talk Department of Political Science, University of Texas, Austin, February
“On Legitimacy and Political Representation.”
Invited talk Department of Political Science, George Washington University, January.
2000: “On Legitimacy and Political Representation.”
Invited talk Department of Political Science, The University of Pittsburgh, December.
“On Legitimacy and Political Representation”
Invited talk, Department of Political Science, Middlebury College, November
1999: “The Extended Republic and James Madison’s Federalist 10”
Invited University Lecture, Western Michigan University, November.
“The Concept of Constituency,”
Invited presentation, Political Science Department Colloquium, Western Michigan University, November.