How Psalms became Liturgical
The Mysteries of the Dead Sea Scrolls
Catching Foxes- Love and Ambiguity in Song of Songs
LiShana HaBa’ah BiMitzrayim? The Jews of Elephantine
How Terrorism and the Roman Game of Thrones Destroyed the Second Temple
A View from Without: Greek and Latin Authors on Jews and Judaism
A Very Greek Purim: Reading Esther in the Second Temple Era
Esther on the Cross: How the Rabbis used Midrash to Combat Christianity
Who Were the Rabbis? Jewish Identities in the Times of the Talmud (lecture series)
Dramatizing the Decalogue: Recovering a Lost Liturgical Art
Playing in the Bible’s Back Yard: Using the Ancient Near East to Understand the Commandment to Love God
The Haggadah in Renaissance Italy