This Work Is Great
Inspiring Conversations with Jewish Professionals
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Strategic Direction Sacred Respectful Community Accreditation Equity & InclusionInspiring Conversations with Jewish Professionals
HUC is exceptionally proud of the work that Jewish professionals, including our alumni, are doing each and every day supporting families, comforting and celebrating, nurturing communities, and leaning in as people are staying home. Learn about all of the amazing things Jewish professionals are doing, and what makes their work great!
PJ Library Orange County Manager at Jewish Federation of Orange County
@jillianwkatz | @pjlibraryoc
Jillian Katz received her Master’s in Jewish Nonprofit Management from the Zelikow School and her Master’s in Public Administration from USC in 2016. Since then she has worked at the Jewish Federation in Orange County, first in the Community Partnerships department and now in the Engagement department as the Director of Family Engagement, overseeing PJ Library and activities for families raising Jewish kids ages 0-12. She currently lives in Irvine with her husband Jason, 2-year-old daughter Sadie, 7-year-old beagle-dachshund mix Odie, and they are expecting their son’s arrival in April.
Executive Director of Beloved
@saraluria | @belovedbuilders
Senior Cantor at Stephen Wise Temple
@ergolutz | @stephenwisetemple
Co-Founder of Sababa Beach Camps
@sababa.danny | @sabababeach | @sababasurfcamp
Rabbi at Congregation Gates of Prayer in Metairie, LA
@gefiltephishfood | @tribenola
Camp Director at URJ Camp Newman
@alliedorie | @urjcampnewman
Campus Marketing and Development Manager at Hillel International
@missyrachel_g | @hillelintl
Program Manager of Wellness Initiatives at the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles
@marleejoann | @jfedla | @la_jti
Director of Education and Inclusion at JQ International; Executive Director and Founder of Kol Connection @sasha__dominguez | @jqinternational | @kolconnection
Founder, Modern JewISH Couples & Co-host of OMfG Podcast: Jewish Wisdom for Unprecedented Times
Senior Director of Jewish Education, Repair the World
Jewish Learning Designer and Rabbinic Director of the Weitzman-JDC Fellowship at JDC Entwine
Jewish Educator and Entrepreneur, Founder of GRPSNG and HAVAYAH
@maxjared | @grpsng | @havayahoz
Senior Director, Office of Recruitment and Admissions, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Insitute of Religion
Fourth-year rabbinical and Zelikow School student at HUC-JIR @jessmicole | @thriftijess
Founder and CEO, Trybal Gatherings
@carinebean | @trybalgatherings
Director of Education at Congregation Or Ami in Calabasas, CA
CEO at KAHAL: Your Jewish Home Abroad; Jewish Communal Leader, Organizer, and LGBTQ+ Activist
Freelance Writer, Speaker, Teacher, and Spiritual Counselor; Named in 2015 by The Forward as one of America's Most Inspiring Rabbis
Creator and Host of "Who Knows One?" Gameshow and "Campfires and Color Wars" Podcast
@micahbhart | @whoknowsoneshow
Director of the Open Dor Project and Jewish Learning Collaborative
National Campaign Organizer at the Religious Action Center for Reform Judaism (RAC)
@loganzinmangerber | @theracgram
Community Early Childhood and Family Engagement Consultant at The Jewish Education Project
@sbk8688 | @jewished | @fusedglassworksbysasha
Director of Social Justice, Organizing and Education at Central Synagogue in NYC
Assistant Rabbi, Temple Sholom, Chicago
Executive Director, The Well, Detroit
@jeffreystombaugh | @thewelldetroit
Associate Rabbi, Temple Beth El, Charlotte
@dustyroseklass | @tbeclt
Director of Education, Goldring/Woldenberg Institute of Southern Jewish Life (ISJL)
@mdreffin | @theisjl
Director and Founder of LEV Children's Museum
Nachshon Project Graduate Fellow at the iCenter
@ekrothstein | @the_icenter
Reform Senior Educator, Hillel at UCLA
@alexkress | @hillelatucla