Tisch/Star Fellows Program

A three-year fellowship focusing on re-imagining Jewish life and synagogues.

The Tisch Initiative for Synagogue Excellence believes that transformed synagogues remain the cornerstone institution of North American Jewish life. It is, therefore, our mission to provide rabbis and cantors with the cognitive tools necessary to transform synagogues into spiritual and moral centers for the twenty-first century. Toward that end, we provide ongoing dialogue and deliberation on the future of the Jewish community in general, and the evolving nature of synagogues in particular. Fellows are granted the opportunity to grow through three years of formal and informal learning including retreats, field seminars, discussions, and reflective readings and assignments.

Tisch and Star Fellows take part in a sacred community:

  • where personal relationship is valued,
  • where the presence of God is tangible,
  • where we make ourselves present to and for one another,
  • where we all take responsibility for the success of the program and of each other, and
  • where we count on each other for honesty, compassion, mutuality of respect, intellectual rigor, and seriousness of purpose.

Rabbi Lawrence Hoffman is the program director and Rabbi Joseph A. Skloot is the associate program director.

The Tisch Initiative for Synagogue Excellence, which is open to rabbinical students, was established through the generosity of Bonnie and Dan Tisch. Cantorial students in the program are funded by Sara Star.